Thursday, June 18, 2009

Floral Mandala

The pink lining complements the beautiful floral mandala. There are two smaller Mandalas at the bottom corners. There are two pockets and a key/phone finder and is big enough for A4 papers.

Item No 118 $85

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shall we dance?

This bag very retro bag brings back the romance and elegance of a bygone era. Quality fabrics are used effectively to capture the moment. This bag is a statement in functional art - art you can use. Jan

Item No 117 - This bag is gone but a similar design can be made for you.

Blue Mandala

The Mandala on this bag is quite beautiful in blue with gold etching and contrasts with the earthy texture and tone of the cover. It's teamed with a quality floral fabric lining making it both practical and elegant. Jan

Item No 108 Sold

Sliver Eye

This Silver Eye Bird bag is richly textured in a dark brown, large weave fabric. My husband painted the bird which was printed on canvas and added to the bag. It's lined with gold satin and, as all the bags, has two compartments and an attachment to make key or mobile retrieval a breeze. Jan

Sold - but similar items are available for $85 on request

Rufous Whistler

My husband painted this Rufous Whistler which was printed to canvas.
The background fabric is rich, textured and picks up the colours in nature.

Item No 109 Sold
I'm now drawing on fabric so art can be original or a print and can be designed for you.

Each bag is a one off original by Jan.

Tree Cosy

It's not easy to see in this pic, but there's an image of a tree trunk knitted into the side of this cosy - knitted lace has long been popular, but recently there's been a new wave of knitting that's involved creating images using old lace techniques. It takes many hours to make one small piece of fabric, but I really do think the effect is worth it. Subtle, yes, but beautiful. And no, the leaves don't actually hang in front of the spout when you pour. This is a button-up cosy, so it doesn't matter how odd the shape of the spout of your teapot is, you can still get it on.
Tree cosy, $65

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

English Rose Garden

This cosy is, unfortunately, not for sale, but similar versions are available. I really wanted to find a way to make a yellow rose cosy and realised the best way to make the yellow stand out was to surround it with other roses.
This was also the cosy that taught me not to use rib stitches for bases - it doesn't work all that well, makes it sit awkwardly. Life is about learning. I've recently had an obsession with all things blue, so there's a blue version of this cosy on its way - Liv
Not for Sale - but similar items available at $65 - simply email for more information

This bag is made for rocking!

This bag was designed for a singer with an eclectic mix of styles. Lined with red satin skulls and spiders' webs befitting a girl with a fascination for arachnids, this bag fits her A4 sized music, her drink bottle and other essentials. It was designed to co-ordinate with the singer's boots. Her boots and bag are made for rocking. Jan

Item No. 122 A similar item can be made to your requirements.